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Bellaventuras Health & Safety Protocols


I understand that Bellaventuras Caribe and its employees follow safe practices as outlined by PR Tourism and the CDC. Bellaventuras del Caribe, will maintain a clean and hygienic environment for the health and safety of our employees and passengers, as well as reinforcing the recommended social distance. We focus on private charters for small groups and reinforce to our passengers to understand the stringent security measures taken to ensure their safety.

All reservations will be prepaid and processed via our website prior arrival including electronic waiver and any additional items. To avoid physical exchange of cash or credit card payment.  


  • All  employees receive training in new practices leading to avoid contagion, protect your health and be in position to provide relevant information to visitors.
  • The use of personal protective equipment such as masks, temperature taking, submit to sanitizing protocols and disinfection is required before the start of the employees shift.  
  • Daily census where they report the risk level of your family environment, certification of potential contacts and establishment of any symptoms associated with Covid-19. 
  • Employees will wear face masks at all times  
  • Hand washing (lasting 20 seconds) and or hand sanitizer at intervals of not more than every 30 minutes

DISINFECTING STATIONS  Stations are located at the marina dock on on the vessel for employees and passengers to include:

Passengers and employee protocols 

  • All employees and passengers must arrive with mask on to cover nose and mouth keep it on during the duration on the vessel
  • All employees and passengers must arrive to our mandatory wellness checkpoint before boarding the vessel 
    • Temperature check using a infrared thermometer
      • Passengers and employees running a temperature of more than 100.4° F (per the CDC guidelines) will not be allowed aboard the vessel. In a polite and discreet manner, customers displaying elevated temperatures will be encouraged to receive medical attention. 
    • Sanitizing and disinfecting which will include hands, bags, personal belongings and shoes will be located in the vessel entry point only  
    • All employees and passengers are subjected to a health censo questionnaire to be able to board any of our vessels
    • (All disinfectant products used will comply with a minimum of 60% alcohol and / or approved disinfectant solutions). Posters will be displayed so employees and passengers can easily see them as REMINDERS to wash their hands, use disinfectant and maintain social distance.

Cleaning of the vessels the crew will perform a complete spray of disinfectant on all surfaces and clean before. And disinfecting during the duration of the excursion including all areas of the vessel particular attention will be paid to all surface areas that are often touched or those where guests and crew lean, including handrails, top bar, and tables. Bathrooms aboard the boats will have sanitizer in the entrance and will be cleaned and inspected  every 30 -40 minutes. 

  • I take responsibility for my party and myself, and understand that there may be a possible threat of contagion of Covid-19 disease in any public setting. Me and my party understand all “Health and Safety protocols” and accept to be subject to your “Wellness check point”. It is our responsibility to make sure we comply with all Covid-19 recommendations and policies like washing of hands, wearing masks at all times (except while eating and swimming) and always maintaining a proper social distance if required.